启示录 (5)——写给 非拉铁非,老底嘉教会的信 (Letters to the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea) 讲员: Moses Lui...
Sermon Details启示录 (3)——The Risen Lord walks among the Golden Lampstands (复活的主行走在金灯台中) 讲员: Moses Lui (呂广安)...
Sermon Details启示录 (5)——写给 非拉铁非,老底嘉教会的信 (Letters to the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea) 讲员: Moses Lui...
Sermon Details启示录 (3)——The Risen Lord walks among the Golden Lampstands (复活的主行走在金灯台中) 讲员: Moses Lui (呂广安)...
Sermon Details