「永生之道」音樂特會 (Music Outreach – The Words of Eternal Life) 2018年12月15日禮拜六晚 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM,悉尼基督徒聚會處 將主辦「永生之道」音樂特會,節目內容包括:兒童獻詩、獨唱、小品、弦樂四重奏、詩班獻唱、信息短講及會眾齊唱等。歡迎大家前來參加! 節目單 (Program)
福音聚会 (Gospel Meeting) “酒用尽了” (“They ran out of wine”) Bro. Peter Liu 刘志雄弟兄 基督徒聚会处(奥本) Christian Assembly of NSW (Auburn)
喜乐满足 (Overflowing Joy) Bro. Peter Liu 刘志雄 Preaching in Mandarin with English translation 国语证道,英文翻译
于宏洁弟兄特别聚会2018 主题:培灵会-神家见证的恢复 07Jun 8:00pm-9:45pm (Roseville) 08Jun 8:00pm-9:45pm (Auburn)
When you talk to many Christians today they tell you of the difficulties they face in their work, amongst family and friends, and how society and culture are changing so...