2024-02-04 从圣经属灵的角度来看哈以之战的意义 (Biblical perspective in understanding the war between Israel & Hamas) – Part 2

从圣经属灵的角度来看哈以之战的意义 (Biblical perspective in understanding the war between Israel & Hamas)

第二堂: 从圣经的角度看哈以之战——孰是孰非 (Part 2: Biblical perspective in understanding the war between Israel & Hamas – the rights and wrongs)

讲员:Jonathan Pong 彭动平 弟兄

翻译:Moses Lui 呂广安 弟兄

經文:诗 Ps. 83:3-8; 122:5-6; 创 Gen. 12:1-4; 出 Ex. 19:5-6; 申 Deut. 8:19-20, 9:5; 11:27-28; 加 Gal. 3:26-29; 4:1-2
